Faculty Publications

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Tama Dey In Hopes Of Becoming A Phoenix: Application Of Narrative Practices In Exploration Of Preferred Identities Of Youth Contemplating Suicide In North East India Journal of Systemic Therapies / 43 / 1 / 26 - 50 1195-4396

2 Alphonsa Jose K A decade of climate change concern in India: Determinants of personal and societal climate concern Environment and Social Psychology / 9 / 8 / - 2424-8975

3 Alphonsa Jose K Conceptualizing Toxic Positivity: A Scoping Review Protocol QEIOS / / / - 632-3834

4 Debaleena Ghosh Solution-focused Brief Psychological Intervention in Alteration of Compulsive Buying Behavior in an Individual with Compulsive Buying Disorder: A Case Report Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / - 0253-7176

5 Jerus Albert Britto J Socio Cultural Perspectives of Behaviour the imapact of Enculturation and acculturation on gender International Journal of Interdisciplinary Approaches in Psychology (IJIAP) / 3 / 1 / - 2584-0142

6 Jerus Albert Britto J A systematic review of the impact of cognitive behavioral therapy on neuro plasticity in individuals with PTSD International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts / 13 / 1 / - 2320-2882

7 Jerus Albert Britto J Influence of Fashion Modelling on the Self Esteem of Young Adults International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 12 / 1 / - 2348-1269

8 Jerus Albert Britto J Contrasting Empathy and Shadows: Exploring the Interplay Between Dark Empathy and Personality Traits Among Young Adults in Indian Educational Settings International Journal of Interdisciplinary Approaches in Psychology (IJIAP) / 3 / 1 / - 2584-0142

9 Jerus Albert Britto J Influence of distress on styles of Decision Making Among Young Adults Paripex- Indian Journal of Research / 14 / 2 / - 2250-1991

10 Jerus Albert Britto J Mental Health Among Bihar Populace International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 12 / 1 / - 2320-2882

11 Jerus Albert Britto J Stress and Suicidal Ideation Among Indian Students in UAE and India The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 13 / 1 / - 2348-5396

12 Lalitha Ragul Self-Compassion and Psychological well-Being of first time mothers: The role of online parenting forums INSPA Journal of Applied and School Psychology / VI / Special Issue / 381 - 389 3048-698X

13 Madhu Shravan Kumar Vanagondi Conflict Resolution Strategies, Relationship Satisfaction, and Sexual Satisfaction among Long Distance Couples: The Influence of Marital Status International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) / 14 / 2 / 1488 - 1495 2319-7064

14 Manjunatha S Bridging the Mental Health Treatment Gap in India: Opportunities and Challenges: A Narrative Review Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / 29 / 2 / 55 - 61 0971-8990

15 Rashmi R Quick Commerce Apps, Consumer Behaviour and Psychological Well-being in Young Adults International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods / 12 / 10 / 1826 - 1830 2455-6211

16 Rashmi R Spirituality, Religiosity and Psychological Well-Being of Young Adults The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 12 / 3 / 3286 - 3291 2348-5396, 2349-3429

17 Shinto Thomas Predictors of Acculturative Stress among Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students INSPA JOURNAL OF APPLIED AND SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY / / / 152 - 158 NA

18 Shwetha Shivayogi Durgad Conflict Resolution Strategies, Relationship Satisfaction, and Sexual Satisfaction among Long Distance Couples: The Influence of Marital Status International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) / 14 / 2 / 1488 - 1495 2319-7064

19 Suman Grigary Thomas Swipe, Connect, Disconnect: The Pandemics Digital Influence on Offline Intimacy Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology / 7 / 2 / 1 - 3 2642-0856

20 Suman Grigary Thomas Can Patience Predict Social Connectedness And Compassion? MALAYALAM RESEARCH JOURNAL / 17 / 3 / 6721 - 6731 0974-1984

21 Alphonsa Jose K Risk Behavior Among Emerging Adults: The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE), Perceived Family and Interpersonal Environment Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / / / 289 - 299 0973-1342

22 Athira Aneesh E K Parent-child relationship and psychological well-being of adolescents: Role of emotion regulation and social competence Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment / 34 / 2 / 153 - 171 1540-3556

23 Athira Aneesh E K Single-parent Adolescents? Resilience and Psychological Well-being: The Role of Social Competence and Emotion Regulation Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / 20 / 3 / - 0973-1342

24 Athira Aneesh E K Entrepreneurial Intention of Rural College Students: Role of Perceived Behavioural Control, Entrepreneurial Desire and Entrepreneurial Knowledge International Journal of Rural Management / / / - 0973-0052

25 Debaleena Ghosh The Role of Social Cognition in Depression and Its Relationship to Early Maladaptive Schemas Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / XX(X) / 1 - 6 0253-7176

26 Debaleena Ghosh Understanding the Components of Theory of Mind in Depression: An Exploratory Study Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry / / / - 0971-9962

27 Hemanthakumara V Impact of Social Media Addiction on Body Esteem among Working and Women and Home Makers in Karnataka. ANHAD LOK / 9 / 5 / 289 - 297 2349-137X

28 Hemanthakumara V Impact of Specific Movie Genres on Aggression Patterns and Risky Behaviours in Young Adults The International Journalof Indian Psychology / 12 / 2 / 1902 - 1913 2348-5396

29 Lajwanti M Mathematics anxiety and self-esteem among young adults aged 18-30 years The International Journal of Indian Pscyhology / / / - 2348-5396

30 Lajwanti M Psychological Capital and Employee Engagement Among Building Material Retailers International Journal of Indian Psychology / / / - 2349-3429

31 Lajwanti M Work Life Balance, Management Support, Job Satisfaction and Health Wellbeing in the Context of Pandemic Journal of Informatics Education and Research / / / - 1526-4726

32 Manjunatha S Efficacy of Psychosocial Care Training Programme for the Staff Working in Old Age Homes Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / 1 - 5 0975-1564

33 Manjunatha S Risk factors associated with overweight and obesity in people with severe mental illness in South Asia: cross-sectional study in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan Journal of Nutritional Science / / / 1 - 14 2048-6790

34 Sherin P Antony Exploring the Use of the Therapist's Self in Therapy: A Systematic Review Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / - 0253-7176

35 Shinto Thomas Risk Behavior Among Emerging Adults: The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE), Perceived Family and Interpersonal Environment Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / / / 289 - 299 0973-1342

36 Stephen S Self-Represented Personal Qualities Toward Career Identity Among Teachers In Higher Education Boletin de Literatura Oral / 11 / 1 / 285 - 293 2173-0695

37 Stephen S Impact of Globalization on the Creation of a ?Hybrid? Culture: A Psycho-Social Perspective Onamazen - Journal for Lingusitic, Philology and Translation / 63 / 1 / 321 - 327 0718-5758

38 Suman Grigary Thomas Patience and Its Relation with Self Control and Forgiveness Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology / 50 / special issue / 48 - 53 0019-4247

39 Suman Grigary Thomas Forgiveness and its relation with Subjective Well-being: Mediating Role of Social Connectedness INSPA Journal of Applied and School Psychology / 5 / 2 / 38 - 44 NA

40 Suman Grigary Thomas Spiritual Well-being and its Relation with Self-compassion and Subjective Happiness in Undergraduate Students of Goa INDIAN JOURNAL OF POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY / 14 / 4 / 457 - 460 2229-4937

41 Suman Grigary Thomas Forgiveness and Its Relationship with Social Connectedness and Subjective Well-Being International Journal of Indian Psychology / 11 / 4 / 2491 - 2497 2348-5396

42 Suman Grigary Thomas SELF-CONTROL AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH HOPE AND FORGIVENESS Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies / 10 / 61 / 95 - 99 2319-4766

43 Suman Grigary Thomas Patience predicts forgiveness and subjective well being in college students shodha samiksha / 13 / 2 / - 2249-5045

44 Abilash K Delegation: An Attenuator of Occupational Stress The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 10 / 4 / 1169 - 1175 2349-3429

45 Alphonsa Jose K Depression, Anxiety and Stress with and without Covid-19 Infection Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU / / / - 2582-4287

46 Athira Aneesh E K Role of Resilience in the Social Competence and Psychological Well-being of Adolescents with Single Parents Indian Journal of Health Studies / 5 / 1 / - 2583 - 0759

47 Lalitha Ragul Self-Esteem, Resilience and Positive Mental Health among Military and Civilian children INSPA Journal of Applied and School Psychology / IV / 2 / 86 - 91 NA

48 Lalitha Ragul Relationship between Communication Pattern and Marital Happiness of Army Couples Mind and Society / 12 / 1 / 67 - 73 2277-6907

49 Lalitha Ragul Rock Of Gibraltar: Impact Of Deployment Separation On Stress, Positive Mental Health And Resilience Of Army Officers Wives International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research / 11 / 9(3) / 77 - 82 2277-7881

50 Navaneetham P Effects of Personal Relationships on Physical and Mental Health among Young Adults- A Scoping Review Open Psychology / 15 / / 1 - 22 1874-3501

51 Shinto Thomas Perceived stress and fatigue in software developers: Examining the benefits of gratitude Personality and Individual Differences / 201 / / - 0191-8869

52 Shinto Thomas Gratitude as a path to human prosperity during adverse circumstances: a narrative review British Journal of Guidance & Counselling / / / - 0306-9885

53 Shinto Thomas Importance of positive emotions in software developers? performance: a narrative review Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science / / / - 0191-8869

54 Shinto Thomas The role of classroom engagement on academic grit, intolerance to uncertainty and well-being among school students during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India Psychology in the schools / / / 1 - 15 1520-6807

55 Stephen S Mindsets Of The Teachers In The Genesis Of Career Identity Among Teachers In Higher Education Education and Society / 45 / 4 / 221 - 227 2278-6864

56 Alphonsa Jose K Theory of planned behavior in predicting the construction of eco-friendly houses Management of Environmental Quality / / / - 1477-7835

57 Lalitha Ragul Cross Cultural Variations in Attitude of Adolescents The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 9 / 2 / 1927 - 1931 2349-3429

58 Lalitha Ragul Millennial Parenting - Media and Technology Usage and Quality of Life International Journal of Asia Pacific School Psychology / 2 / 2 / 53 - 58 2697-6544

59 Sherin P Antony Pediatric Cancer Patients' Psycho Social Impact And Quality Of Life During And After The Cancer Trajectory IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 9 / 1 / 339 - 348 2348-1269, 2349-5138

60 Shinto Thomas Evidence and Predictors of Resilience among Young Adults Exposed to Traumatic Events of the Armed Conflict in Kashmir Child & Youth Services / / / 1 - 21 1545-2298, 0145-935X

61 Jerus Albert Britto J Influence of Parenting style on Aggression among Primary School Students Paripex-Indian Journal of Research / 10 / 4 / - 2250-1991

62 Jerus Albert Britto J Demographical Details Associated with Social Inhibition, resilience, and Quality of life of Transgender Paripex-Indian Journal of Research / 10 / 5 / - 2250-1991

63 Sherin P Antony Perceived Stress among Health Care Providers in Long Term Care Facilities Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 5 / 10 / 669 - 673 2415-6256, 2415-6248

64 Shinto Thomas Psychological distress among doctoral scholars: its association with perseverance and passion Minerva Psichiatrica / / / 143 - 152 0391-1772

65 Shinto Thomas Perceived Stress Among Information Technology Professionals in India During the COVID-19 Pandemic Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science (TTIE) / 21 / 3 / 1 - 17 1464-536X

66 Suman Grigary Thomas Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Burn-out among Special School Teachers and Genreal School Teachers SAMBODHI JOURNAL / 43 / 4 / 126 - 130 2249-6661

67 Abilash K Standardization and Validation of the Personality Disorder Inventory PSGP-IPDI SHANLAX International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities / 7 / 1 / 112 - 122 2321-788X

68 Alphonsa Jose K Attitude and subjective norm as personal moral obligation mediated predictors of intention to build eco-friendly house Management of Environmental Quality / 30 / 4 / 678 - 694 1477-7835

69 Jerus Albert Britto J Geriatric depression and anxiety among institutionalised female senior citizen The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 8 / 2 / - 2348-5396

70 Shinto Thomas Child Mental Health: The role of different Attributional Styles Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / 16 / 1 / 33 - 48 0973-1342

71 Sreeja Gangadharan P Development of perceived prenatal maternal stress scale Indian Journal of Public Health / 63 / 3 / 209214 - 0019-557X

72 Abilash K Focused attention, social maturity and behavioural problems among intellectually impaired children International journal of basic and applied research / 9 / 5 / 284 - 292 2249-3352

73 Abilash K A Study on Prevalence of Behavioral Addictions among College Students SHANLAX International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities / 6 / 4 / 27 - 33 2321-788X

74 Abilash K Bibliotherapy As a Therapeutic Approach to Psychological Problems Asian Research Journals / 8 / 2 / 10 - 15 2278-4853

75 Alphonsa Jose K Social experiences of the visually impaired: Perceived support, discrimination and stereotypes International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 6 / 9 / 1429 - 1434 2347-3797

76 Alphonsa Jose K Importance of identifying and fostering positive character strengths in early years for a bright future as emerging adults Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 9 / 2 / 306 - 310 2229-4937

77 Jerus Albert Britto J Influence on Self Control on Personality Dimensions among College Students The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 6 / 3 / - 2348-5396

78 Shinto Thomas Social experiences of the visually impaired: Perceived support, discrimination and stereotypes International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 6 / 7 / 1429 - 1434 2347-3797

79 Shinto Thomas Importance of Identifying and Fostering Positive Character Strengths in Early Years for a Bright Future as Emerging adults Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 9 / 2 / 306 - 310 2229-4937

80 Shinto Thomas Happiness, Meaning, and Satisfaction in Life as Perceived by Indian University Students and Their Association with Spirituality Journal of Religion and Health / 58 / 242 / - 0022-4197, 1573-6571

81 Shinto Thomas Social experiences of the visually impaired: Perceived support, discrimination and stereotypes International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 6 / 9 / 1429 - 1434 2347-3797

82 Shinto Thomas Importance of identifying and fostering positive character strengths in early years for a bright future as emerging adults Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 9 / 2 / 306 - 310 2229-4937

83 Stephen S Gender Differences in Emotional Intelligence, Individual Readiness for Change and Psychological Capital of employees working in startups International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS) / VI / 2(1) / 8 - 21 2249-0302

84 Stephen S Attitude Of Generation X And Generation Y Male Employees Towards Female Employees At A Managerial Position Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research / 8 / 3 / 33 - 41 2278-4853

85 Shinto Thomas Are there differences in the mental health status of adolescents in Puducherry? Asian Journal of Psychiatry / 27 / / 32 - 39 1876-2018

86 Sreeja Gangadharan P A Comprehensive Understanding of Prenatal Maternal Stress Indian Journal of Psychological Science / 9 / 2 / 086 - 097 0976-9218

87 Shinto Thomas Depression among Indian university students and its association with perceived university academic environment, living arrangements and personal issues Asian Journal of Psychiatry / 23 / / 108 - 117 1876-2018

88 Shinto Thomas Incidents of Sexual Violence against Adolescents in Kolkata, India, And Its Effect on Mental Health Annals of Forensic Research and Analysis / 3 / 2 / - 2378-9476

89 Stephen S Self Diagnosis in Psychology Students International Journal of Indian Psychology / 4 / 2 / 120 - 139 2348-5396

90 Sherin P Antony Practicing play therapy in South India-need, feasibility and implications Journal of Rural and Community Psychiatry / 2 / 4 / 52 - 60 2348-3474

91 Sreeja Gangadharan P Understanding Mind through Indian Psychology International Journal of Indian Psychology / 3 / 3 / - ISSN 2348-5396 (e) | ISSN: 2349-3429 (p)

92 Shinto Thomas The Dynamics of Sibling Relations in Adolescent Development: Understanding the Protective and Risk Factors Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 6 / 4 / 439 - 443 2229-4937

93 Shinto Thomas Abuse of Intellectually Disabled Children: Risks as Perceived by the Mothers Social Science International / 30 / 2 / 391 - 407 0970-1087

Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 NAVANEETHAM P,NAVEEN PANT Reference book Effectiveness of Relationship Education Programs for Premarital Romantic and Sexual Relationships for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review Effectiveness of Relationship Education Programs for Premarital Romantic and Sexual Relationships for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review 978-981-97-8970-2 2025
2 SHERIN P ANTONY,AURNA MUKHERJEE,PROF.GAYATRI RAINA Conference Proceedings Psycho-Harmony, A Holistic Approach to Mental Health, Volume 1 Echoes of Exclusion: A narrative Exploration of Rejection Sensitivity in sexual minority in India. ISBN:978-93-48481-07-8 2025
3 SOUMYA JACOB P (4291) Text book Insights on happiness and well-being in the Workplace Key strategies for happiness in work place -A pragmaticc view 9798369329399 2025
4 SUMAN GRIGARY THOMAS (4522) Reference book Ai For Sustainability: Innovative Solutions For Global Challenges Ai In Education: Advancing Personalized Learning While Navigating Ethical Frontiers 978-93-5809-637-8 2024
5 SREEJA GANGADHARAN P,ANURADHA S Reference book Student Well-Being in Higher Education Institutions Influence of Neuroticism and Locus of Control on Anxiety Among Students in Higher Education Institutions 9798369344170 2024
6 ABILASH K,DR. RUCHI JOSHI Text book The Climate Change Crisis and Its Impact on Mental Health A study on character strengths and environmental ethics among the youth of Tamil Nadu as trailblazers of climate change warriors 979-836933273-3, 979-836933272-6 2024
7 SHINTO THOMAS,JOSEPH C C,PHINU MARY JOSE,ELANGOVAN N,VICTOR PAUL Reference book Models for Social Responsibility Action by Higher Education Institutions Volunteering-Based Student Engagement: A Model for Student Well-Being in Higher Education Institutions 9798891132511 2024
8 SOUMYA R R,NA Reference book Global Applications of Indian Psychology Indian Psychology: Challenges, Strategies, and Prospects in Education ISBN13: 9781668497784 2023
9 HEMANTHAKUMARA V (3634) Conference Proceedings National Conference on Socio-Economic Strategies for Empowering Vibrant India Empowering Identities: Exploring the Psychological Sociological Dimensions of Gender Empowerment. 978-93-86550-31-6 2023
10 ELDHOSE N J Text book Abnormal Psychology-1 Abnormal Psychology-1 978-81-965894-1-7 2023
11 ABILASH K,SUYESHA SINGH,RUCHI JOSHI,PARIDHI JAIN Text book Emotional AI and Human-AI Interactions in Social Networking Human AI: Ethics and broader impact for mental healthcare 9780443190964 2023
12 ABILASH K,KEERTHIKA M,ABBIROOBAN S,VASANTH MS,KURALAMUDHU, M.K Text book Emotional AI and Human-AI Interactions in Social Networking Emotional AI: Computationally intelligent devices for education 978-044319096-4;978-044319097-1 2023
13 ALPHONSA JOSE K,SHINTO THOMAS,ANEESH KUMAR P,SIBNATH DEB,BRIAN A. GERRARD Reference book Handbook of Health and Well-Being Post-millennials: Psychosocial Characteristics, Determinants of Health and Well-Being, Preventive and Promotive Strategies 978-981-16-8263-6 2022
14 ALPHONSA JOSE K,ANEESH KUMAR P,SHALINI SRINIVASAN,SHINTO THOMAS,SIBNATH DEB,BRIAN A. GERRARD Reference book Handbook of Health and Well-Being Play and Play Spaces for Global Health, Happiness, and Well-Being 978-981-16-8263-6 2022
15 DEVIGA SUBRAMANI,COLIN MARTIN, VICTOR R. PREEDY, VINOOD B. PATEL Text book Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence A Narrative Review on Experience and Expression of Anger Among Infertile Women 978-3-03-098711-4 2022
16 ALPHONSA JOSE K,SURENDRA KUMAR SIA,RABINDRA KUMAR PRADHAN,UPDESH KUMAR Reference book Emotion, Well-Being, and Resilience Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Applications Navigating Through the Thunderstorm: A Theoretical Understanding of Leadership Resilience in the Workplace 9781771888905 2021
17 ATHIRA ANEESH E K,SURENDRA KUMAR SIA,K SATHYAMURTHI Conference Proceedings ELDERLY WELLBEING AND INTERGENERATIONAL BONDING Role of Social Support on Psychological Well Being of the Elderly: Review 978-93-87882-24-9 2019
18 SHINTO THOMAS,ALPHONSA JOSE K,SIBNATH DEB,VIMALA VEERARAGHAVAN Reference book Distance Education prospects, challenges and way forward Distance Mode of education: perception of regular mode students 978-93-530-6695 2019
19 SHINTO THOMAS,ALPHONSA JOSE K,SIBNATH DEB,VIMALA VEERARAGHAVAN Reference book Distance Education prospects, challenges and way forward The expectations, perceived challenges, and scope of distance learning in india: a qualitative study 978-93-530-6695 2019
20 STEPHEN S Conference Proceedings Demystifying Team Dynamics Trust in Teams and Conflict Management Styles among Sales Executives 978-81-934533-7-7 2019
21 ALPHONSA JOSE K,SURENDRA KUMAR SIA,MAMMAN JOSEPH C,VITHYA V,NEETHU P S,SIGAMANI PANNEER Reference book Health and well-being in a multisectoral perspective The relationship between new ecological paradigm attitude and behavioral intention to build eco-friendly house: moderating role of climate change 9789388134996 2019
22 SHINTO THOMAS,ANEESH KUMAR P,ALPHONSA JOSE K,SIBNATH DEB Reference book Positive Schooling and Child Development International Perspectives Child Friendly Schools: Challenges and Issues in Creating a Positive and Protective School Environment 978-981-13-0076-9 2018
23 ALPHONSA JOSE K,ANEESH KUMAR P,SHINTO THOMAS,SIBNATH DEB Reference book Positive Schooling and Child Development: International Perspectives Child Friendly Schools: Challenges and Issues in Creating a Positive and Protective School Environment 978-981-13-0077-6 2018
24 SHINTO THOMAS,ANEESH KUMAR P,SIBNATH DEB,ANJALI GIREESAN,ARCHANA SHUKLA Reference book HIV/AIDs in India: A Public Health Approach in Contemporary Trends HIV/AIDS and children 978-81-8220-688-5 2015
25 STEPHEN S Reference book Child and Adolescent Psychology Factors influencing career choice among college students: A retrospective approach. 9 78 93506 72365 2012
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 RCI's Nomenclature Changes Spark Concern: A Crisis for Aspiring Clinical Psychologists

2 Mastering Abstract Writing in APA 7th Edition

3 Reflecting on My Growth and Impact as an Assistant Professor at Christ University, Bangalore

Empowering Through Education: Reflections on My Academic Journey
4 Secure / Insecure Marriage: How marital factors determines the fate of your marriage?

5 Why do we need a therapeutic natural space on a university campus?


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